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Most popular Database 2022


Most popular Database 2022

Above we saw data from 2006 to 2022 on the most popular databases via TODB. But how does the data change if we analyze another data source: db-engines? Again, Oracle is the most used database in the world. In fact, Oracle’s score is 1262.82 as of May 2022. This is up 8 points from April 2022 and down -7.12 points from May 2021. Next are again Mysql with a score of 1202.10 and Microsoft Sql Server with 941.20. The first three positions are thus equal to the dataset used in the video. The discussion changes when analyzing from the fourth position down. In fact, Microsoft Access is in ninth position with 143.44 points while in fourth position we find PostgreSQL with 615.29 points and growing adi +56.04 points from May 2021.

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